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Dream Garage - Part #3
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The garage panels went up fairly easy and at the end of the day, I was almost done with the ceiling. I cut a piece of sheetrock for the access panel and slipped it in there after I cut some 1"x2" that I had lying around with the chop saw on 45 degree angles. I think it came out nice. The molding will then cover up the outside of that and with the paint, you will never see those little sheetrock imperfections... LOL.
So, the next day I was a bit sore, but pressed on so I could return the panel lift, get the newly purchased lights up where they belonged and finally hang some more sheetrock. As you can tell in the picture, the middle light is not on. I was short on the length of cord to get to the outlet. I wanted the light to be where it was, but I will need an extension to get it to work correctly. Not a big deal. So, with that, I realized I will need another light fixture as well, so I will get that next weekend after I do some more sheetrock. This stuff never ends!
The weekend finished up by hanging a little more sheetrock and then going back and sinking all the screws. A lot of the pieces I put up had just enough to hold it in place, but I needed to finish the job. This took a while, so I called it quits, moved everything back to where it belonged in the garage and then went on my merry way back in tot he house to get cleaned up. All in all it was a FANTASTIC weekend of getting stuff done in the garage. I think I have one more day with sheetrock (as long as I don't run out), 1 more trip to the Depot to pick up a few more items, and finally I can start taping, sanding, painting, etc. That will take a few more weekends, but I am looking forward to it. I can't wait to see this thing all done!

cb (03/01/07)
I started out today by putting up everything I had bought last night when I went to the Home Depot. The door to the garage had a door handle on it that we never got a key to. Also, it didn't have a dead bolt on it, so I wanted to rectify that situation. I was able to drill a hole and put a lock on it pretty quickly with little to no trouble. It needs a little grinding, but it does lock from the inside. Not too bad.

Secondly, I rectified the lighting situation with a power strip and another light to go over the "work area". I was able to put that up and get it all working. I need to put the wire tie downs in the ceiling to route the wires nicer when I am done painting, but that is another day.

Finally I moved onto the garage wall that wasn't finished with sheetrock and it went up pretty easily. It required a bunch of cuts for all the outlets and panels, but in the end, it looked pretty good. I went to the dump to get rid of all the garbage and little pieces of sheetrock and I then went to Lowe's to get some door molding and some more corner beads for the sheet rocking. A few blinds for the windows, some more screws since I ran out and finally some stuff for the house. I dump A LOT of money into the NH economy... LOL.
The weekend finished up by putting up some tape, putting on some mud, figuring out how I was going to do the rest of the stuff in the garage and basically just taking a step back and taking a look at what I had accomplished thus far. I have come a long way in not too long of a time and I am happy with what I see. I can't wait to see how it looks once it is finished.

cb (03/03/07)
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