Third Project Build-up - part #14 |
We finished up on Saturday afternoon and then we had to go to a family party for
my little cousin who turned 6. We then went home and got to bed so we could wake up early on Sunday morning and
head up to the body shop to make sure the coverage of the paint was good enough. There was a little concern due
to the transparency of the paint that another coat might have to be applied.
There was also a mix-up and the underside of the hood was not sprayed with paint, only sealer, so we have to have
that repainted. This should be happening soon. We will just scuff up the hood and then have it re-sprayed. Upon
arriving at the body shop, all the panels and pieces were taken out in the sunlight and the color was just
amazing. There was no need to spray again, so we loaded up the parts onto and into the trucks and headed back to
the house.
We had now been up at 6 am on both Saturday and Sunday to get to the body shop as
well as Friday being there late, so we now had 17 hours in just our time as well as some help from some friends and
well wishers. So, all in all, we had about another 50+ hours in bodywork from those 3 days, not to mention the other
30+ hours in prep-time alone.
We got back to the garage and got all the pieces out of the trucks and we mounted up the body as well as the radiator
shell so we had those parts off the ground and on the Jeep. The remaining pieces we put into the Jeep so no one would
knock them over. We put the dash on with a couple bolts and slid the tailgate under the Jeep. All in all, all the
parts were back in the garage and we started going over the Jeep with a fine toothcomb.
I am happy to report that the paint job on the Jeep came out great and we are ready to start assembling this Jeep and
hopefully get it running in the next month or so.
So, with everything back home in the garage, the body was put on and loosely mounted
and everything was pushed back into the garage to be worked on for another day. Basically we had made a bunch of
engagements that we couldn't back out of, so we were off on our way to go meet up with people in need of Jeep parts.
With the new fenders that were obtained for this project, the old "NEW" fender was sold, as was the driver side fender.
The old fender flares as well as the turn signal was sold as well. Also going this weekend were the pair of hard doors
that were off the original CJ-7 that is underneath that nice new Yellow body now. The doors were old and needed
work, but will serve their new owner well as a way to keep water out of the project as it stands outside in the elements.
We have a few things to get this week so we can start putting the rest of the Jeep together, but it is about time to
start wiring this thing up and assembling the rest of the body panels. We will throw in the roll bar and seats and
hopefully have this thing running soon. It will be nice to be able to drive it and then sell it. There have been
some inquiries about the Jeep so far and I think with the paint now on and people being able to see it in a newer
light, there will be a bunch more interest.
As for those who helped this weekend, I can't say enough how much I appreciated it. It was a lot of work and now
with all the effort, I can see how far we have come. I know that it is a time ravaging process, but in the end,
another CJ will be saved and spared! Jen, thank you for putting up with me thus far, I know I can be a PITA...
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